What do you envision when you think about powerful marketing that leaves a lasting imprint on your audience?
Postcards quickly get tossed in the recycling bin. Billboards are passed without a second thought. Organic content can be lost in the crowded sea of social media platforms. Digital ads are skipped, muted, or closed as quickly as possible. Ok, so maybe Superbowl ads are an exception, but for most businesses, the $5 million (and higher) ad spot is out of reach.
When you think of powerful marketing, think of promotional products. Nothing is quite as powerful as your brand in the form of a tangible item in the hands of your ideal client, customer, or employee. That branded product becomes a connector between your organization and your recipient. Want to elevate your brand? Here are three ways promotional products can make a lasting imprint.
Emphasize a story or message.
We all want to stay top of mind with our clients. That’s a given. Savvy organizations want a specific message or brand ethos associated with that brand recall. Promotional products can do that for you.
According to New Neuromarketing, a person needs ten exposures to a brand or marketing message for maximum attitude toward the brand and recall. When you give a client an intentionally chosen branded product, the client will love it, use it, and be exposed to your brand (and brand message) numerous times per day.
The best part is that the “advertisement” doesn’t feel like an ad at all. It feels like a thoughtful gift from an organization that cares about the client’s success.
What brand story or message do you want to emphasize? Here’s an example.
Companies rolling out new software or customer service platforms know that not everyone enjoys learning new tech. They need to introduce the software positively and provide as much education as possible to lessen the emails from frustrated clients.
We would launch the roll-out to end-users with this sleek, wireless charger packaged in a gift box. Inside the box would be a notecard with a QR code linked to a video overview of the software full of positivity and excitement for a smooth roll-out. Clients would not only feel informed, they would feel valued.
Our stuff makes us feel things.
Most people think of stuff as inanimate objects with no control over our thoughts, but it’s simply not true. A gorgeous coffee mug in your hands can make you feel calm and peaceful. A new business tote can make you feel energized and ready for a fresh start. At the same time, jeans that no longer button and mementos from a broken relationship can bring negative thoughts and energy.
Promotional products have that same power, and what’s interesting is that those feelings then relate to your brand.
How do you want your target audience to feel?
A company that had a lackluster 2023 wants to start fresh in 2024. The execs need to boost morale and reenergize employees. We suggest an off-site strategy session that empowers employees to be part of the conversation. The session would be themed and have a build-up period to enhance excitement. When employees arrive, they find a branded backpack filled with a branded notebook, pen, and pullover. The promotional products are not only functional and exciting to receive but also serve as a lasting reminder that the company is a team and values its employees.
Create a sense of belonging and culture.
Branded products can also unite a group to create a strong culture and sense of belonging. We always recommend matching t-shirts or apparel for company outings. They create strong branded images for marketing, and employees will wear the shirts around town for brand exposure. They serve as walking billboards, and we always get excited seeing clients' apparel around town.
While the above example is pretty obvious, there is a deeper level to creating a sense of belonging. Branded products allow individuals to show what organizations, companies, and causes they support. The products serve as a social signifier, giving information about the person without the person saying a word.
Onboarding clients or employees is the perfect time to welcome them not only into the company but into the brand culture. We like to include something that the person will use while working, such as a travel mug, and something that the client will enjoy at home, such as an incredibly soft blanket. If your brand culture revolves around adventure, focus your products on adventure-related items. If your brand culture revolves around curiosity and play, your products should reflect those values. Your new hire will be excited to be part of the team.
Think about how you can encourage creativity with your team, even if it’s on a much smaller scale. Let them brainstorm without restriction and encourage cross-department collaboration.
The power of tangible branding with promotional products is truly incredible. Used wisely, tangible, branded products are a cost-effective way to reach your target audience with a clear and lasting message.
If you appreciate the value of promotional products and are at a loss as to what to do, contact our team. Email hello@coastal-connections.com, and let us help you.
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